Monday 15 October 2012

Increased Aggression

 According to Richard Gallagher, director of the NYU Child Study Center’s Parenting Institute stated that games, which ask players to kill their opponents to pass the level could leads to confusion between fantasy and reality as well as producing fearless behavior to violence. Another research from Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation’s fall 2003 report that both male and female children are easy to follow both positive and negative behaviors from what they saw in all forms of electronic media, including video games. However, boys are more likely to copy the aggressive attitude than girls. Therefore, nowadays videogames industry has developed to another level when player are actually asked to be criminal. Many newly released game these day mostly allow players to kill, to shot, to steal, to be violent. In addition, these games have high negative persuasion on players especially children as their mind are pure so it is easy to confuse them to the idea that criminal is appropriate to commit in the real world. 

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