Wednesday 17 October 2012

Good Educational System

     Encouraging games to children can be the right key to good educational system.  However, guidance should note that not all video games contain the benefits of learning for children. Some video games contain literacy, numeracy, and other academic themes that teach children to think and to solve problems. This is a fast education track than at school as children pay more attention to their game than their teachers. On the other hand, children who spend their time playing video games hour and hour are usually pay less attention to their academic activities, which leads to poor performance. In this case, the Mayo Clinic also included that children who spend more than one or two hours a day to video games or media are likely to have inappropriate sleeping time and problems paying attention at school as well. Under this circumstance, players also forgot about their responsibilities at school or work because they were busy playing games late and fail to perform well at their study or work place. 

1 comment:

  1. This is the most convincing benefit of video games. With the help of educational video games kids can learn concepts easily and quickly. Many skills can be improved with the use of such kind of games.
    helicopter videos for kids
