Friday 19 October 2012


In the past few decades, video game has become more and more important habit of children’s life. It was started from just one stick with a few buttons until these days we have many variety types of video game controllers such as Wii, PSP, Nintendo, etc., 

The first two arguments will be about the positive effects of playing video games such as eye-hand coordination and good educational systems. Then the negative effects to health or obesity problems and increased aggression from playing video game will be discuss after.

Finally, the last argument will be that after discussed many main effects of video games shows whether or not video game effects players’ life.  

Thursday 18 October 2012

Eye-Hand Coordination

 Playing video games can also leads to positive effects. Increasing the wittedness and handiness skill is the primary positive effects from playing video games since the new coming games are getting more and more complex which required fast movement in order to past each level. This is very good for children to learn how to react to what they see. In addition, toy companies markets electronic games for young ages advertising that their games will help to develop motor skills. For example: Companies will produce games, which require more complex controller so that players are automatically develop their motor skills. Furthermore, this kind of games can improve motor skills but there should be a strict on the usage, according to the NYU Child Study Center.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Good Educational System

     Encouraging games to children can be the right key to good educational system.  However, guidance should note that not all video games contain the benefits of learning for children. Some video games contain literacy, numeracy, and other academic themes that teach children to think and to solve problems. This is a fast education track than at school as children pay more attention to their game than their teachers. On the other hand, children who spend their time playing video games hour and hour are usually pay less attention to their academic activities, which leads to poor performance. In this case, the Mayo Clinic also included that children who spend more than one or two hours a day to video games or media are likely to have inappropriate sleeping time and problems paying attention at school as well. Under this circumstance, players also forgot about their responsibilities at school or work because they were busy playing games late and fail to perform well at their study or work place. 

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Health and Obesity Problems

      Most likely, children and adolescent tend to get addicted in playing video games and forgot about their outdoor activities with friends or families. This in turn leads to unhealthy or obesities.  The “sedentary” which were defined by the Mayo Clinic are the activities such as playing video games, watching television and texting are urgent problems over physical activities; in some way if children choose to do sedentary instead of outdoor activities, they may be at risk for childhood obesity. The Mayo Clinic noted that if children spend more than two hours per days playing video games instead of playing outdoor sports can easily leads to obesities. In spite of that, spending too much time playing video games also decrease the relationship between players and their friends or families as well.  

Monday 15 October 2012

Increased Aggression

 According to Richard Gallagher, director of the NYU Child Study Center’s Parenting Institute stated that games, which ask players to kill their opponents to pass the level could leads to confusion between fantasy and reality as well as producing fearless behavior to violence. Another research from Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation’s fall 2003 report that both male and female children are easy to follow both positive and negative behaviors from what they saw in all forms of electronic media, including video games. However, boys are more likely to copy the aggressive attitude than girls. Therefore, nowadays videogames industry has developed to another level when player are actually asked to be criminal. Many newly released game these day mostly allow players to kill, to shot, to steal, to be violent. In addition, these games have high negative persuasion on players especially children as their mind are pure so it is easy to confuse them to the idea that criminal is appropriate to commit in the real world.